Preparing For Your Boudoir Photoshoot

You finally booked that dream Boudoir photoshoot and now you’re wondering what you can do to prepare for it. Being a Professional Boudoir Photographer for almost 6 years I can help you! With years of experience and hundreds of Boudoir photoshoots completed, I can give you the best tips for preparing for your Boudoir session.


1 Week Prior to your Boudoir Photoshoot

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Avoid being in the sun for long periods of time

  • Moisturize your skin and face. Use lip balm daily. Baby your skin all week!

  • Wash your face with gentle cleansers

  • If you have tight hamstrings, stretch to loosen them up. Runners and those who spend a lot of time sitting often have tight hamstrings. Several poses may stretch them and keeping them loose can alleviate discomfort

4 Days Prior to your Boudoir Photoshoot

  • Clean up your eyebrows

  • Do any hair changes such as haircuts, hair colouring, perms etc.

  • Wax. You will be in your underwear or less for your boudoir shoot. Consider your bikini line if you don't usually

  • Clean any rings if you're wearing it during your session (Also body jewelry)

1 Day Prior to your Boudoir Photoshoot

  • Sleep! Get a full night of rest. You want to be hydrated and well-rested for your boudoir session.

  • Skip alcohol and parties. Alcohol wreaks havoc on the skin, even in small doses. It depletes the skin of vital nutrients and can leave it dehydrated and dull. Drink lots of water instead!

  • Shave if you're not waxing. Go Slow! Avoid cutting yourself and use lotions that aid in razor burn. If you have time, the day of the shoot, you can do this then.

Day of your Boudoir Photoshoot

  • Arrive with a clean face and hair. Remove all traces of your makeup from the night before, and be sure to moisturize and use your eye cream and lip balm. This will help your stylist have a clean canvas to work with and have you looking your best!

  • Arrive with loose-fitting or no underwear/bra. You want to avoid tight bras and underwear to avoid having lines in your skin. These take a while to disappear and can draw attention away from your photos.

  • Eat a healthy and light lunch. You want to avoid being bloated and lethargic from eating a large, unhealthy lunch. Nobody feels their most confident with a food baby. You want to eat something filling to avoid becoming hungry during the shoot. Eat your veggies, they'll keep you full and lean.


Tanning: Spray tanning should be avoided within a week of the session. If you want to have a faux glow, please have it done one week prior to the shoot at a professional salon and do so in the nude. You want to avoid creating tan lines that can show up when you're not wearing a lot of clothing.

Sunburns: Stay out of the sun one week prior to your shoot! Day to day exposure is fine, but avoid long hours in the sunlight to avoid sunburns. Photoshop can do amazing things, but sunburns will have a negative impact on your shooting experience, and will likely be present in your final images. Be sure to wear sunscreen when you know you're going to be in the sun!

Tattoos: If you want to have a new tattoo for your boudoir experience, be sure to get it done well in advance to allow healing time. You don't want to be sticking to the sheets or having any pain during your sessions. Having to constantly alter poses and outfits to account for this can result in less images from your session and an overall less enjoyable experience.

I hope all of these tips and suggestions have helped you prepare for your Boudoir Photoshoot as much as possible! If you’re not already booked in for your Boudoir session but want to, please inquire using the form below.

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